August 5, 2024

Corporation Transparency Act

At the beginning of this year, the federal Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) 31 USC § 5336 went into effect. This new law requires some companies registered with the Secretary of State to report certain information to the United States Treasury. Most companies have until January 1, 2025, to report Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI). However, companies formed this year are required to file within 90 days of formation. A beneficial owner is defined as any individual having at least 25% ownership in a business or exercising “substantial control” over said business. In some cases, this may include law firms. Reports can be filed here.


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Remembering Senate President Peter Courtney

Senate President Peter Courtney passed on July 16, 2024, at the age of 81. Courtney was the longest serving Senate President in Oregon history (2003–2022). A memorial service with hundreds in attendance was held at St. Mary’s in Mt. Angel on July 30. The Oregon State Senate intends to host a public celebration of life at a later date.

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Dates of Interest

The House of Delegates (HOD) has a deadline of September 17 for proposed resolutions to the Oregon State Bar. The HOD includes 250 members elected from bar licensees. Its annual meeting is scheduled for November 1. This event provides members an opportunity to approve any changes to licensing fees or Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct, as well as modify, direct, or rescind actions of the Board of Governors.

The Celebrate Oregon Lawyers event is happening on October 23! Join colleagues to celebrate the great work of lawyers throughout the state. This is a great opportunity to honor the winners of the Oregon State Bar Awards, applaud the winners of the Pro Bono Challenge, and congratulate the 50-year members. The event will be hosted at the Sentinel Hotel from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Reservations may be made here. Please reach out to Cathy Petrecca at [email protected] with any questions.

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Access to Justice Survey

The OSB Access to Justice Survey closed on July 27. This survey was distributed to gather insights from legal aid attorneys, private practitioners, community organizations, court staff, and other stakeholders. The feedback will be used to shape and prioritize access to justice across the state. Stay tuned to learn about the results.

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New Director of Public Affairs!

The Oregon State Bar is excited to welcome Dominique Rossi as the new Director of Public Affairs. Rossi comes to the bar after 10 years working in the legislature, most recently as Legislative Director for Senate President Rob Wagner. In her personal time, she enjoys hiking with her dogs, poetry, and embroidery.

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Thank you for reading the Oregon State Bar’s CAPITOL INSIDER.
The archives are available here.

2024 Oregon State Bar Officers and Public Affairs Chair

David Rosen,
President, Oregon State Bar
Myah Kehoe,
President Elect, Oregon State Bar
Lee Ann Donaldson,
Immediate Past President, Oregon State Bar
Curtis Peterson,
Chair, Public Affairs Committee, Oregon State Bar Board of Governors

For questions about articles, legislation, or the legislative process, please contact:

Susan Grabe, Chief Communications and Public Affairs Officer
Dominique Rossi,
Director of Public Affairs 

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